Multiverse SYZYZGY
The multiverse sways with universes in hyperdimensional orbit
The alignments begin
a syzygy of realities.
Multiverse Syzygy is a body of video artworks that imagine a light event, taking place in the sky, as multiple parallel realities converge in a syzygy. The word Syzygy, a beautiful word, is used when three planetary bodies come into alignment. In this work, the syzygy is a hyperdimensional one, wherein multiple realities converge. As their realities slide against each other, light breaks, and forms dance across the sky. Multiverse Syzygy exists within the same universe as HYPERPRODUCTS which were brought back from expeditions within the Multiverse. These works are minted as NFTS on the Tezos blockchain for 11.11 ꜩ through the link below.